Our consultants are all experts in their field who have led on market access and medicines optimisation innovation in health and social care, health economics and intelligence, service delivery, public affairs, market access and growth and performance and regulation.

Our backgrounds mean that we understand your challenges at a macro and micro level and know how to work with you to co-design solutions.

Core Team

James Roach

James Roach

Founding Partner

Dr Steve Lloyd

Dr Steve Lloyd

Clinical Director

Caroline Howden

Caroline Howden

Client Delivery Lead

Jeremy Hooper

Jeremy Hooper

Health Economics & Intelligence Consultant

Johnny Skillicorn-Aston MCIPR

Johnny Skillicorn-Aston MCIPR

External Relations & Communications Consultant

James Roach

Founding Partner

James Roach founded Conclusio in 2014 and since that time it has developed effective working relationships with  the Pharmaceutical Industry, NHS organisations, National Clinical Organisations,  Local Authorities, Independent Sector, third sector, Academia and a wide range of private sector organisations.  James has also been active internationally working with a number of a systems on healthcare reform and service transformation.

James brings with him 10 years experience of working at board level and as a senior NHS Director, having been the CEO and COO of two large Clinical Commissioning Groups, Joint Director of Health Social Care (CCG and Local Authority) and more recently an Integrated Care Partnership. In all of these roles, James has been at the forefront of developing innovative clinical solutions, integrating organisations under a common endeavour and developing high performing and financially efficient organisations and systems, which in some instances were recognised as national exemplars and areas of best practice.

Nationally, James speaks regularly at conferences, has authored a number of national transformation reports and brokered and led a range of innovative service partnerships between the NHS and the Pharmaceutical Industry.  James is passionate about population health and developing new clinical innovations and has a track record of working in partnership with clinicians and practitioners to radically change service provision and deliver enhanced outcomes for the patient.

Dr Steve Lloyd

Clinical Director

Steve is our recently appointed Clinical Director and was previously the Chair of Derbyshire CCG and the Medical Director for the emerging Derbyshire ICS.  Steve is a practicing GP, a regional Clinical Lead for medicine and emergency care and recently led the Vaccination Programme across Derbyshire.  He is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and a member of the Royal College of GPs.

Caroline Howden

Client Delivery Lead

Caroline has over 20 years experience working across the NHS, local government, public and private sectors in programme and project management; client relationship management and partnership working.  Caroline has also provided programme leadership and policy development in healthcare systems in the UK and large global entities such as G4S, Mitie and Virgin Healthcare.

Caroline has developed and lead complex partnerships across health and care, involving both the public and private sectors; including working with MPs and elected representatives, increasing their awareness of delivery of health and care outcomes at community level.

Jeremy Hooper

Health Economics & Intelligence Consultant

Jeremy has a degree in Statistics and a Masters in Corporate Administration. He has been a Graduate and Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators for over 15 years.

Jeremy has worked on the analysis of large and complex data sets in the Defence and Health Sectors internationally for over 25 years.  As part of this he has built predictive models for understanding the cost of ownership of large systems of systems as part of defence procurement. He has also built demand models to support NHS contract negotiations. He has recently built a demand model for Adult Social Care for a Local Authority in the South West of England. 

Jeremy has supported evaluation and performance reporting helping a number of Public Sector organisation understand their performance and how that can be used to improve outcomes for the organisation and patients.

Johnny Skillicorn-Aston MCIPR

External Relations & Communications Consultant

Johnny has a quarter of a century of experience in strategic communications and issues management, gained within the public and private sectors and civil society organisations. He also writes on issues within the healthcare sector, and is regularly published in the sector media. 

He has supported large-scale transformation projects in the UK and globally, with both health providers and commissioners, designing communication plans and campaigns to drive effective relationship management within health and social care systems. He has influenced, developed and delivered consultation methodologies and strategies across policymakers, payers, clinical professionals and the public.

Johnny has authored public engagement campaigns for a range of medicines and services and to elicit support for clinical, social and policy change. 

He has also delivered corporate communications programme for the pharmaceutical industry and was editor of the 2020 London Community Pharmacy Strategy.

Associates Team

Philip Hunt, Baron Hunt of Kings Heath

Philip Hunt, Baron Hunt of Kings Heath

Policy and strategy advisor

Dr John Niland

Dr John Niland

NHS Strategy Associate

John Leslie

John Leslie

NHS Finance Associate

Andrew Geldard

Andrew Geldard

NHS Commissioning Associate

Richard Brown (MRPharmS)

Richard Brown (MRPharmS)


Judith Poulton (MRPharmS)

Judith Poulton (MRPharmS)


Adam Irvine

Adam Irvine

CEO Community Pharmacy Cheshire & Wirral

Philip Hunt, Baron Hunt of Kings Heath

Policy and strategy advisor

Having become a Government Whip in 1998, Phillip served as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Department of Health from 1999 until 2003. Between 2003 and 2005, having left government briefly, Philip became Chair of the National Patient Safety Agency.

He returned to Government in 2005 as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department for Work and Pensions, a Minister of State at the Department of Health (2007), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice (2008), and Minister of State for DeFRA (2008). 

In 2008 he became the Deputy Leader of the Lords, and in 2009 also became Minister of Energy. He was introduced into the Privy Council in the same year. In 1993, Phillip was awarded an OBE. 

Dr John Niland

NHS Strategy Associate

John is an experienced NHS Trust Chief Executive and System Leader.

John established and was Chief Executive of Provide Community Healthcare Trust for ten years was a senior leader and influencer across Essex as well as the Mid and South Essex Integrated System.

John was awarded the EY Entrepreneur of the year 2014 (social enterprise) and an honorary Doctorate from Anglia Ruskin in 2015.

John Leslie

NHS Finance Associate

John is an experienced NHS Finance Director and has also been a Chief Officer of a large CCG.

He has worked as a Finance Director in some of the biggest systems in the country such as Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and North West London, working for both Provider and Commissioning organisations. 

John has a history of delivering financial surplus and balance in very difficult circumstances and has been at the forefront of developing innovative financial and contractual strategies. He has also been instrumental in the development of merged CCGs and Integrated Care Systems.

Andrew Geldard

NHS Commissioning Associate

Andrew is an experienced leader at Provider and Commissioner level in the NHS. He was recently the Chief Officer of  West Essex CCG and senior leader across the Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS.

Previously Andrew was Chief Executive at North Essex Partnership Trust for 8 years, having previously been its Finance Director.

He was also a Finance Director across the Commissioning landscape in Essex.

He is currently an Academy Tutor for the Health Financial Management Association.

Richard Brown (MRPharmS)


Richard is a pharmacist and has extensive experience working as the Chief Officer of Avon LPC whilst also running a successful Pharmacy Consulting business, BRR Consulting and online training company, VirtualOutcomes.

His passion for supporting and promoting community pharmacy has led to the successful deployment of the newly commissioned NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service and Discharge Medicines Service across Avon with support offered to LPCs across the country.

His vision for the future of community pharmacy is for the highly skilled pharmacy team to be offering both preventative health advice to stop people becoming ill, whilst also supporting people with a diagnosed condition.  That way pharmacies can truly be part of the local community.

Richard is also has a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and is currently a Senior Visiting Lecturer at eh University of Bath, Pharmacy and Pharmacology department.

Judith Poulton (MRPharmS)


Judith is passionate about the difference pharmacy teams can make to their local community’s health and wellbeing and sees that community pharmacy has a key role to play in the strategic health agenda. She is energetic and highly motivated, always looking for new ideas to engage with people.

An experienced community pharmacist, Judith was an Area Manager for Boots, before moving into the role of Healthy Living Pharmacy Project Manager and Implementation Manager for Avon LPC. She also is a director of an online training company VirtualOutcomes. Her main focus is to develop and coach teams so that they reach their full potential enabling them to make a difference to the community they serve. More recently, she has been working with NHSE&I and local CCG’s, to implement GP CPCS both nationally and locally by working closely with GP practices, community pharmacies and LPC’s. In Avon she has implemented it in 92 practices who have delivered over 25,000 referrals to date.

Adam Irvine

CEO Community Pharmacy Cheshire & Wirral

Adam Irvine is the current Chief Executive Officer of Community Pharmacy Cheshire & Wirral.

Adam is a successful healthcare leader with experience of system reform, health and social care devolution and local integrated care systems.

He has been involved in a hugely successful outsourcing business integrating 3rd party pharmacies within NHS Trusts to deliver outpatient services effectively.

He has 10 years healthcare system strategy experience within LPC as both member and CEO operating with a high level of political and strategic awareness. He has a passion and vision for creating innovative services which best utilise the breadth of the skilled teams within Community Pharmacy. He also represents his contractors at local, regional and national levels and has been a key part of the primary care leadership within the newly forming integrated care system.

Delivery Network

Once engaged, Conclusio can mobilise an impressive and experienced delivery network to include the following lead areas of expertise

  • Programme Director
  • Programme management and assurance
  • Application of service improvement methodology
  • Data science and analysis
  • Communications and engagement
  • Clinical assurance
  • Senior health and care sector SME
  • Impressive reach and range of clinical and operational contacts at ICS, Provider, Commissioner, PCN. Community Pharmacy and Clinician level