Glaucoma treatment and deprivation: time-series analysis of general practice prescribing in England

Article published in British Journal of General Practice

29th May 2024

British Generic Manufacturers Association - building a resilient UK medicines industry

This White Paper recommends a range of solutions across four policy areas that will help safeguard UK stocks and restore the resilience of our medicines supply chain, which has become critically eroded.

28th March 2024

Keeping the Faith seminar - 28th February 2024, 10am to 2pm

Chaired by Lord Hunt of Kings Heath, Labour Peer and former Health Minister, a discussion-based seminar involving NHS leaders, strategists and academics in exploring how we can sustain the NHS and keep faith with its founding ideals.

8th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G


5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

Causes of medicine shortages

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

How VPAS could impact on ICBs

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

The UK pharmaceuticals market and VPAS in figures

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

Clinical Task and Finish Discussions and Outcomes

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

Commercial task and Finish Discussions and Outcomes

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

Task and finish participants

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

The UK pharmaceuticals market and VPAS in figures

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

The current VPAS/G and the medicines it covers

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

The integrated care board perspective why does it matter

5th February 2024

Seeing Red VPAS/G

UC-clinical efficacy-studies

5th February 2024

VPAS - Conclusio support for BGMA and branded generic medicine sector

This paper, based on both NHS and pharmaceutical industry perspectives, finds that over the next five years, each ICB is at risk of spending an average of £37m more per year on medicines than budgeted.

6th November 2023

Conclusio announces new Chair and Legal Counsel

Keith Davies, an adviser to Conclusio in recent years, formalises his role in the organisation.

3rd October 2023

Deprivation and the location of primary care optometry services in England

A comment piece in Eye, the journal of the Royal College of Optometrists, co-authored by James Roach, Jeremy Hooper, Robert A Harper, Cecilia H Fenerty and Michael Bowen

29th September 2023

NHS Workforce Plan - Opportunities for Industry

In this digest of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan we hope to help you understand its key proposals and identify ways in which Industry can continue to successfully engage with the NHS workforce.

6th July 2023

Matrix Approach

Understanding NHS key roles and their responsibilities

30th June 2023

Aligning market access with a changing NHS

ICS key functions and design

26th May 2023

Improving population health through working together.

Population health is a core strategic aim for ICSs and a means by which they can improve physical and mental health outcomes. In turn, this can increase wellbeing

25th May 2023

The aims of the NHS and Pharma align sub nationally more than you might think.

The Hewitt Review of integrated care systems puts a firm stake in
the ground for relationships between ICS and Industry.

25th May 2023

Delivering market access

Conclusio has been helping organisations access markets and improve their market share for the last decade.

25th May 2023

Identification and mapping of stakeholders

Conventional approaches focus on the clinicians and payers nearest to the patient. While this is important, Conclusio views this as primarily a focus for priority and message setting and and adopts a life-course, impact-based approach.

25th May 2023

Understanding how to engage with the NHS

Engaging with impact helping organisations demonstrate their value through action and example

25th May 2023

Measuring and articulating value beyond the medicine needs careful development and delivery.

Quality and safety are essential components of value based healthcare
but quality and safety alone will not guarantee high value, nor will it
deliver completeness of value based healthcare.

25th May 2023

Integrated Care Systems - messaging and engagement approaches Stakeholder

Areas for engagement: roles and responsibilities within an ICS

25th May 2023

Closing the gap in women's health outcomes

Women's health has been at the margins of our healthcare system. The resulting poorer outcomes cast a long shadow over women’s lives with over 19 years of life lost to poor health, often in later life meaning more years than men but less quality.

4th April 2022

Can pharmacy make the giant leap forward?

Community pharmacy could be a vital player in developing new approaches and directing healthcare that is fit for the future. By Johnny Skillicorn-Aston and James Roach.

29th March 2022

NHS Finance & Budget Impact Modelling

Will 2022 be the year pharma demonstrates it has aligned with NHS ambitions, aims and goals? As key elements of the NHS evolve, Jeremy Hooper and John Leslie explore NHS finance and budget impact modelling.

21st March 2022

Pharmacy & the new NHS: Do commissioners see it as an 'add on'?

In their latest article exploring how community pharmacy can align with the changing landscape of the NHS, Johnny Skillicorn-Aston and James Roach ask whether the ambition and strength of the community pharmacy offer is really known outside the sector.

24th January 2022

Dr Anant Jani - link between COVID school closures and poorer health outcomes

"The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the largest ever disruption to education systems globally.Simulations suggest that around 0.6 years of schooling will be lost globally due to school closures, with higher levels for children from lower socio-economic gr

20th January 2022

How can pharmacy align with a changing NHS?

In their second article exploring how community pharmacy can align with the changing NHS, Johnny Skillicorn-Aston and James Roach of Conclusio look at opportunities for the sector within the new local decision-making health environment

8th November 2021

Conclusio working in partnership to operationalise intelligence and insight for the NHS

New platform will help Integrated Care Systems operationalise healthcare data to address waiting list challenges

26th October 2021

A vision for Ophthalmology

The outpatient model needs to change – and ophthalmology could be
a good place to start.
A recent HFMA roundtable, supported by Allergan, discussed how recent innovations can be embedded and further change encouraged.

21st October 2021

Pharmacy and the new NHS

Community pharmacy is a pivotal part of the NHS. Yet, as the health service changes, is pharmacy playing a full part in driving that change or is it merely reacting to what is happening around it?

1st October 2021

Building a case for an optimal glaucoma pathway

In January 2021, 604,4012 people were waiting for a first treatment in ophthalmology, 230,872 have waited more than 18 weeks3 and 48,703 have waited more than a year4. How can an optimal glaucoma pathway be achieved and what would the outcomes be for all

3rd September 2021

What does integration mean for NHS-Industry partnership?

Conclusio has a long-held the view that partnership is the emerging motif for the relationships the NHS has with what it once called suppliers. However, true partnership is a necessary yet illusive commodity.

19th July 2021

How can pharma engage with a changing NHS?

Conclusio has convened a panel of healthcare senior leaders to provide their view on the realities associated with a changing NHS and the opportunities for pharma to engage as a partner.

24th June 2021

Optimal care pathway in ophthalmology

Johnny Skillicorn-Aston and Mike Proctor look at the case for a shift toward community-based solution for optimal glaucoma care

26th May 2021

Feeding Better Outcomes practical solutions to tackling malnutrition

The 10 Point Plan for Nutrition and Hydration

23rd March 2021

Using Data to Transform Models of Care

Why citizens are central to the data-driven transformation of healthcare.

1st February 2021

Community Pharmacy and Collaboration

How community pharmacy can create capacity in secondary care.

15th December 2020

Hepatitis C Elimination - Learning from Greater Manchester

The ambition to eradicate hepatitis C must not be side lined by COVID-19.

10th December 2020

Community Pharmacy and its place in creating capacity in Secondary Care

Pharmafield article - Community Pharmacy and its place in creating capacity in Secondary Care

9th December 2020

Partnering with Impact across the supply chain, post COVID-19

Summary of webinar on Partnering with Impact across the supply chain, post COVID-19

14th October 2020

Digital Health - Legacy and Opportunity in the context of COVID-19

Transcript of online seminar on Digital Health - Legacy and Opportunity in the context of COVID-19

1st October 2020